Insulin Pump Designs

The US based [inventor] client wanted to explore the insulin pump designs as a super premium lifestyle product. The target customers include rich and affluent male / female who are extremely brand conscious, elite and living a luxurious lifestyle. The client shared his thoughts in the form of a schematic [below]. The schematic did not match up to the consumer expectation, hence this exploration. The scope of this project was limited to aesthetic exploration respecting the products internal architecture, mechanical design and CMF [colour + material + finish]

The industrial design team studied the trends in the market and discovered a series of connected insulin pen and insulin pump designs.

Theme board with similar devices.


The team started conceptualisation to figure our major design directions based on various design languages.

Selected concepts were refined after deep diving into the various usage scenarios to arrive at the final insulin pump designs.

Concept 1 – in the context of use.

Concept 1 – in comparison to similar products categories.

Concept 1 – in comparison to competitors.


The project objectives were achieved and the design outcomes are being taken for stake holder evaluations before converging to one final design.


End of Document.